this caused my sides to hurt from laughing too hard. they really could do with a 10 second websearch on: definition feminism 1 0:00 / 15:05 Why Feminism is Incompatible with Liberty 10,170 views 1.1K 24 Share Save StudioBrule Published on 30 Jan 2019 Feminism has declared war on the principles that make liberty possible and that made the west great. So I want to propose a symbol to represent the relationship between feminism and liberty, and at the same time explain why I am an anti-feminist. Support us: Buy Defender of Liberty T-Shirt ... Buy coffee mug, great conversation starter, 3 colors ... PayPal... Patreon... Links and Reference 445 Comments siljrath Add a public comment... Xr Pinned by StudioBrule Xr 22 hours ago What this and other North American commentators overlook is the principle of the separation of powers. That is the judiciary, the legislators and the executive keeping each other in check. In addition an independent police force free to lawfully investigate without fear or favour. Its these factors that allow liberty to flourish, because when the principle of the separation of powers breaks down, corruption can flourish and when the police become an instrument of government oppression, liberty is lost. Feminism's influence has seeped into all the branches of government and the police in all western countries. The result is effectively collusion between each branch of government and the police to push the feminist agenda. They are free to overreach because every other branch is sold on this feminist moral crusade that puts women's rights above human rights. Feminists live in a bizarre world where the word "sociopath" can seemingly be used interchangeably with the word "men". So feminism is incompatible with fairness, feminism is incompatible with justice. 1 Cultural Logic Cultural Logic 1 day ago feminism does not awake nor sensitize women, but conscript them 43 StudioBrule StudioBrule 1 day ago Several commentators have objected to the inclusion of "Democracy" as critical to Liberty, citing that the US is not a democracy but a republic. This is a complicated topic with nuances that are beyond the scope of this video, but all versions of "Democracy" allow citizens to non-violently oust a ruling party that has lost the trust of the people. Although the US is not a "direct democracy," neither are any of the major countries of the world, and the term "Democracy" now is understood to include representative democracies. Representative Democracy has become the norm in "Democratic" first world countries, probably for the practical reason that a direct democracy (in which all citizens vote on all matters of mutual concern) is completely impractical for large populations. The simplified use of "Democracy" remains valid for the purposes of contrasting with the feminist goal of a drastically different socialist/communist government, the examples of which are horrific by comparison with Democracies as described in the video. Further reading: "The United States of America is a Republic with a Representative Democracy (a type of Democracy, but not a Pure Direct Democracy)" 12 kmg501 kmg501 1 day ago Feminism isn't compatible with a civil society which has become self evident given the massive amount of hysteria exhibited by the adherents. 27 Mr. D. Mr. D. 1 day ago (edited) Feminism has gone WAY too far. They silence male victims of violence and deny them resources, they deny that women ever abuse, they insist on killing unborn babies up to the day of birth, and ruin men in the family court system. They punish men for being men, tear men down and pretend that men are useless and not needed. I could go on. I am Anti-feminist because feminism is corrupt and degrading to EVERYONE. 104 Alexander T Alexander T 1 day ago There was a team of ukrainian women that trained in a mountain, girls only club. And vice went there to get some praise for feminism but instead those women believed in married,family and did not bashed men. The reporter and the narrator shamed them for their opinions and comment very accurately described how feminism proclaims to be pro choice for women but shame them and calls them names if they chose to do something that against its toxic theory. 52 Max Danger Max Danger 1 day ago People look at me ascanse when I tell them all these crazy radicals and groups are all offshoots of feminism. Thanks for helping me articulate my thoughts better. 47 Jay Double Gee Jay Double Gee 1 day ago Janice, an online friend said that the West had literally become daycare for women. Would you agree? 46 Zombie Fool Zombie Fool 1 day ago Thank you for this video! I’ve concluded that no society that adopts feminism can survive, if for no other reason (though there are many others), than demographic decline. 32 Ulf Sark Ulf Sark 1 day ago I would say you're missing a circle. The right to defend oneself and one's property is also required for liberty. 36 Sercil Sercil 1 day ago It's scary to me just how ruthless this ideology has become. No right is sacred if it's in the way of a small, temporary victory. They scream for communism, but lick the boots of mega-companies. They won't question if a movie just abuses their ideology to swat critics, or if a big company is abusing its powers in scary ways, as long as it means another small feminist win. Governments change all the time. One day, they'll be far away from feminism, and then, you'll want your protections back. Companies are getting more powerful than governments, and monopolies can and will already purge you from public life if your views are controversial in any way. I think they'll all live to regret the destruction they brought. We all will. Let's hope it won't be too late by then. 16 Jim Kennedy Jim Kennedy 1 day ago Maybe to protect women from “1 in 4 being raped in campus” we should ban women from such dangerous places for their own protection. This is a swift modest proposal. 17 Mark Webster Mark Webster 1 day ago I wonder how long before this is demonetized by YouTube? 11 Shaye Stevens Shaye Stevens 1 day ago (edited) Feminists were given a taste of political power in the 60s and since then have been gulping it down until they are DRUNK WITH POWER, and they are testing just how far they can go. That is why they are infiltrating everything. And that's why you can't reason with a feminist anymore than you can with a MEAN IDIOT ACTING DRUNK. 22 Altprop Altprop 1 day ago All true from beginning to end. 19 Candis Candis 1 day ago (edited) It ain't just Feminists. All of the "isms" attempt to take power from the strong and capable by limiting freedom of speech to only that which is language that has been pre-approved by the "isms". It's a blatant form of theft to limit the ideas and speech of others. But the "isms" know that the foundation of their ideas and arguments are not strong enough to stand on their own. So they cut everyone else off at the knees anyway they can do it...from using guilt and shame all the way to outright hysteria (eg: Kavanaugh hearings) to do it. And they are shameless about it. 7 Willie Williams Willie Williams 1 day ago In the United States we have Section B of the 14th Amendment, which is worth fight for. Males need to stop being a "CEPHALOPOD" get a backbone to start fighting in the federal courts for their Constitutional Rights under the color of law. The evilness of feminism can only be done, when good men do nothing! Time has come for males to stand up to fight to take back rights that males had give a way. 7 Peter Peter 1 day ago Calm, lucid, empirically-verified and frighteningly truthful. Feminism is the face of an especially unhinged totalitarianism, and it has control of all of our major cultural institutions. Time for a purge. 7 trailtrs1 trailtrs1 1 day ago Well said. It won’t stop until western civilization is completely destroyed or women rise up and cast it off 10 graham orr graham orr 1 day ago (edited) My son's year 12 teacher is a feminist. Aggressively espousing ideology of toxic masculinity, patriarchy theory and intersectional feminism causes many students to revolt after having it shoved down their throats as a last ditch attempt at forced indoctrination. Any dissent will receive poor marks and stymie my clever son's future aspirations. So far English and media studies have a ubiquitous presence of feminist ideology embedded into the syllabus. 8 Alexander Hawk Alexander Hawk 1 day ago (edited) That's why we will never colonize Mars. When reason is under attack society cannot prosper. Infact, feminism could be the Great Filter and an answer to Fermi Paradox. 6 Colbeans Ontoast Colbeans Ontoast 1 day ago Very well thought out, succinct and accurate. Working as a Social Worker for almost twenty years I have witnessed and experienced this behaviour. It has prevented my discipline from and advancing and becoming relevant to real people who, through their taxes, pay their salaries. Ironic and tragic. 8 Khama Nkhoma Khama Nkhoma 1 day ago And now we all have a symbol we can truly rally behind. Let the battle be joined. 6 Deebee Cooper Deebee Cooper 1 day ago The absolute best title on You Tube. 7 joe hurst joe hurst 1 day ago It's been co-opted by cultural Marxists...regardless of any historical facts or opinions about feminism per se ( and fyi I'm not a fan ) and that is ''THE'' issue that needs addressing as a matter of urgency.. I personally think it's gone past the point where men can actually do anything but walk away, if women want things to change they as a whole will have to be the ones to face down the radicals... but of course they won't until it's too late. a shame because the majority of women are not misandristic idealogues, and have no idea these pernicous ideas are robbing them of a future as edit a famous quote though, ''The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good women to do nothing'' Normal women are busy living and working and raising kids, are not the policy makers and have an outdated view of feminism thinking it's still about the things it was 50 years ago they are not largely aware of the misson creep.. The culture war is being fought in the universities and the corridors of power, and by the time ''normal women'' work out what's going on it will be too late and they have as much to lose as anyone, their Son's, Husbands, Brothers and Fathers will be all but gone or simply not care anymore, rendered impotent by a society that see's masculine traits as a sickness to be medicated or indoctrinated out. Ignorance is no excuse though, and maybe riding the gravy train is easier. for now. When Women like Camille Paglia ( a once ''radical'' feminst ) are saying much the same is it not clear the agenda has changed ? As a result of all of this women will soon be faced with a choice, the first choice.. ? a relatively minor ''re-balancing'' between the genders and acknowledgment of all the good men have and continue to do despite the constant narrative of criticism for the last 30 years and a ceasation of the frankly bitter and twisted narrative of 3rd wave feminism that has re-written history as some kind of patriarchal oppression , untrue and pathalogically divisive. or the second choice .. A MAJOR change as western men check out and the increasing migrant population with more ''traditional'' values ( and by traditional I mean centuries of regression) a testosterone level not reduced by soy and other envoironmental factors and not diminshed by a crisis of masculinity brought on by gynocentric social indoctrination, start to exert their cultural influence .... let's see how they deal with that... I suspect either not well...or very well...hypergamy may well be being expressed on a macro level so the latter is very possible. Regardless equality is a fools errand as we are uniquely different and have evolved to be respect and equality of opportunity are the gold standard and highly desirable but we are way past that. because... sexual dymorphism is not a ''social construct' ....biology is real. however much you would like it not to be .. and distilling anybody's identity down to a narrowly constructed ''group identity'' is about as illiberal and dangerous as it gets. and it's getting very dangerous. 5 Hubert Hungstigram Hubert Hungstigram 1 day ago Feminism was long developed by the Frankfurter Schule out of the realization of the failing of the western Marxist-Communist revolution. The idea is basically to transform and transport the not working materialistic economic revolution into a social one. Feminists want wifes instead of men to bring the Marxist revolution with all its destructive force to the so called nucleus of the western nations, the family. 5 Aqua Fyre Aqua Fyre 1 day ago (edited) Freedom and Liberty are built on TRUTH ------------------- Feminism is built on LIES. 5 Sir Nasty Sir Nasty 1 day ago Your new Tee-Shirt is being sent to me Now. I will wear it with Pride. Thank you for your support of what is Best and most Important to Americans and Our Land! - We The People 8 Nancy Hildebrandt Nancy Hildebrandt 1 day ago Tell it! Living in the US, I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have to fight for the survival of liberty. And yet here we are. 9 N¡ghtshade * N¡ghtshade * 1 day ago Feminism today is no longer trying to be equal to men, it's trying to BE LIKE men. 5 Joe Gibbs Joe Gibbs 1 day ago I came to understand feminism was totally compatible with libtardy. Hang on... 5 Alfred Thérien Alfred Thérien 1 day ago Well done, Steve. You’ve pared down the argument and articulated the essential points in a way that is very useful, for me at least. Thank you. 6 manintheplutoid manintheplutoid 1 day ago 13:18 "Barbaric". Guess what word just got added to my anti-feminist paradigm. 6 Phil McCracken Phil McCracken 1 day ago I don't see how we turn this around. Maybe a depression will wake people up enough to prevent a collapse, for a while. 4 Hs Hs Hs Hs 1 day ago Consider the intersection between presumption of innocence and 2nd Amendment rights. 2A presumes that men, women, and even children (I started hunting when I was 12) are overwhelmingly responsible enough to handle owning and using firearms, just as it is assumed that if we drive a car, our intent is probably to get where we're going, not to mow down a crowd. Legislative attempts to curtail firearms ownership all rest on the presumption of guilt, that if we own certain firearms or accessories our only purpose is to commit crimes with them. 5 Glenn Howden Glenn Howden 1 day ago (edited) Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. An observation that a person's sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases. The statement was made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Notice the word "tends". It is an important qualifier. My definition of power is the ability to make people do what they don't want to do. Parents exorcise power over their children, or at least they should to prevent the kid from becoming an SJW. That doesn't make the parent corrupt. 5 TitanicDeckChair TitanicDeckChair 1 day ago feminism is female socialism 16 Kaoss Comkaoss Kaoss Comkaoss 1 day ago Cannot agree with you more. Need some information on the Dominican Republic. I've been around the world 3 times now. But from Montreal it seems to be a quick airplane ride. I have a few questions can I simply fly in. With a Visa. I have a passport. Also need to know about the logistics of renting a scooter. And where to stay 4 Truthful Chap Truthful Chap 1 day ago Back in the 1980s on the UK's BBC comedy show 'The Two Ronnies' had a comedy sketch called 'The Worm that Turned' about a society where women dominated over men. Somehow it is not funny now. 5 Deconverted Man Deconverted Man 1 day ago Feminism is evil and vile. 5 herb richmound herb richmound 1 day ago Right on showing facts to make his claims valid and truthful, connecting to historical calamities 5 harry fare harry fare 1 day ago Oddly enough some of the most powerful feminists are gay men with wigs and lipstick and eye makeup and base... of course Hollywood is a prime example but they're spread everywhere 14 deltaskyhawk deltaskyhawk 1 day ago Women need to have their rights taken away .... they have abused their feminine privilege. 4 Norm Babbitt Norm Babbitt 1 day ago Well stated! Thank you! 7 Max Danger Max Danger 1 day ago Brilliant and well said! 7 Dean Harkness Dean Harkness 1 day ago Another exceptional video on the StudioBrule channel. Thank you. 6 manintheplutoid manintheplutoid 1 day ago Nice essay. Nice vid. Thanks. The work youre doing at 'Brule is great stuff. Thanks for taking the heat for us. 4 Dave Todd Dave Todd 1 day ago All you have to do is read the goals of the Communist Party you will find feminism fits well into their plans and was deeply encouraged 3 Meshuggah Bear Meshuggah Bear 1 day ago (edited) Feminism is one of many forms of Satanism. It opposes God, nation and men. That’s why I’m an anti-feminist 30 487shawn 487shawn 1 day ago Great upload guys , really wish I was rich, it is people like you who are based in reality that deserve all the funding given to bigots, misandrist and ideologs! called feminist!! 3 Momar Szyslak Momar Szyslak 1 day ago the pendulum has swung to an extreme left. So far that it will soon be seen as nothing but illogical. It has begun to swing back. Hang in there it's beginning to turn. 3 Bill Barry Bill Barry 1 day ago (edited) Anyone with half a brain can tell this guy Steve Brule is anything but a far-right extremist but somehow the radical feminist colluding with the corrupt media will be able to label him just that. How Democrat voters go along with this shit like that I will never know?! 9 M52TUB24 M52TUB24 11 hours ago Like Marxism harnesses and weaponises the resentful, feminism does the same with women’s innate neuroticism. 2 Jim Kennedy Jim Kennedy 1 day ago We are talking about post 2 Nd wave feminists 2 Tim Borch Tim Borch 8 hours ago (edited) Feminists must earn their privilege. Draft them to the Army for combat duty. 2 Liberty4awl Liberty4awl 1 day ago Democracy is a tool used to pave the road to feminism and much worse. Athenian Democracy has a chance of success but to allow anyone even parasites and those incapable or unwilling to carry themselves by their own work to have any voice is insane in the extreme. That this is not discusses shows how deeply we have been shoved into the arrested development spoken of by Churchill. 2 cs cs 1 day ago Triggered... rebooting. Jk. Steve, I think most “normies” making their way here fall into the “it means equal rights” camp, as no reasonable person would object to such a thing. Maybe it would be good to find a way to bridge the gap between that point of view and the side effects we experience today. That “women are oppressed” narrative is a very hard one to break away from. Not to mention the gut wrenching feelings of becoming red pilled... 2 First Last First Last 1 day ago It seems, to me, that overfed feminists (all plump Western leftists, in general), live too far outside their means, and it's not really their fault. Until their subsidy (enabling) dries up, they'll keep moving farther from liberty and reality. 2 Daryl Morse Daryl Morse 1 day ago Excellent video. Clear and articulate explanation. Well done. Thanks for posting. 2 Bradley Parrett Bradley Parrett 1 day ago Steve, I had a customer who looked just like you, beard and all. (I know it wasn't you though.) Nice enough person, but somehow this person quickly steered the topic to women's issues and kept using the term "we" when talking about women. Then this person dropped the line "as a woman myself..." LOL 2 David Sims 1 day ago I'd disagree with the speaker's claims about the goodness and efficacy of democracy. Firstly, so-called "democratic" societies are usually really oligarchies, run by an elite merchant class (which, in the West presently, is largely Jewish). The idea that the common people in such societies actually determine their national destinies is a complete sham. There is, in most ostensibly democratic societies, a more-or-less hidden disconnect between the desires of the people and the policies of their country. Secondly, even if a democratic country actually did work as it is supposed to, with the people voting to choose all of the laws and policies by which their country functioned, it still wouldn't work for long. It's the old "bread and circuses" collapse of economy, and the equally old slide into mass moral degeneracy, with the consequences described by J.D. Unwin in his book Sex and Culture. The reason democracy can't work is that nature makes only a small number of its finest products, humans included, and one does not arrive at the equivalent of one wise person by summing the opinions of mental mediocrities, however many they might be. Democracy will invariably result in burying the voice of wisdom under a landslide of mediocre misrule. The state, being rudderless as a result, will slam into one disaster after another, until it is wrecked and ruined. Ironically, the hijacking that most democracies suffer (at the hands of the Jews during most of modern times) might have preserved their respective societies, albeit at the price of the financial enslavement of their populations. However, this merely prolongs the suffering of the people. With an autocrat, you either win the jackpot or you get a ticket to hell. But most autocrats, being aware of their longterm self-interests, will not deliberately run their countries into the ground and will devote some considerable effort in keeping the population content and comfortable. The reason that a percentage of autocrats fail isn't that they were inattentive to the contentment and comfort of their people, but rather that these satisfactions were made impossible for the autocrat to accomplish, due to the meddling of predatory external powers. 2 Realraven2000 1 day ago Going to share this on minds :) 2 John Amidon 1 day ago Just so; thanks! :) 2 DoYouThinkForUrselF 1 day ago You say that liberty can not survive with out democracy at 14:09. Is that true? In fact through democracy you can enforce the very thing you are speaking against. Trudeau uses the law (he was voted in via democracy) to enforce his equity policies (half women / men in his cabinet ) and wanted to make speech laws pertaining to what pronouns you use when talking to others, which speaks to how you may think and what you can say. Democracy only requires that you have a majority win in an election which in many cases is much less than 50%. Democracy is a mob voting for what they want and in the case of Canadian democracy it can be a minority of the larger population. Does anyone really feel represented by a action you take every four years, casting a piece of paper? While i understand how and why we end up with gov't, they always get larger and more corrupt, in my humble opinion. The liberty you speak of often comes from freedom of association, freedom to choose. If you have a gov't who stands between you and the people who offer goods and services (corporations in our case, a gov't created entity by law) the way business works is who is good at playing politics, who is good at greasing the wheel, NOT who is good at providing goods and services for the people (market place) I am thinking lobbyists are the ones with a true vote and our single pieces of paper cast every four years amount to .........pieces of paper. This ideology has infiltrated corporations as well, we see them pushing it as well. This ideology gives gov't over reaching powers and if you are a lobbyist pulling the levers of gov't i am not so sure you mind them having over reaching powers when you know they regulate for you and your lobbyist dollars. That last piece is purely conjecture on my part of course. 2 Bill Barry 1 day ago Amen 4 Mister Mediocre 1 day ago First! 7 cmtmj2006 1 day ago Women have become so feminized in their hatred of men that will gladly use false allegations to a remove a man which could constitute a threat to her position. They want men out of their way. Men know it and are abandoning age old institutions such as marriage, education and religion. 7 BearLite 11 hours ago Another excellent video! The UN has become self-important and it is time for it to be disbanded. The audacity of the UN telling countries which immigrants they MUST allow in because of THEIR rules. They have no authority over a nation. If so, instead of demanding countries allow refugees in, why don't they demand the countries that produce the refugees protect their citizens from the threats they are running from. I promise I am not a xenophobe. I am NOT anti-immigration. What I am against is an outside organization telling a country what their country must do, especially when these countries are leaders in human rights, democracy, and free speech. Not to mention these countries also donate untold millions/billions of $$$ to help less fortunate countries. "Feminists" need to quit focusing on countries where women actually have MORE privilege than men and start focusing on countries where women either are ACTUALLY considered property or are treated as such. If they were really concerned about women, women's rights and the welfare of women, THAT is exactly what they would do instead of making up lies and fake talking points to further their own best interest and ignoring the plight of women that are actually being harmed daily. 1 Matthew Morton 1 day ago The bible got this one right in the first story, and here we are like "religious people have such silly beliefs" Sorry God...we STILL ain't learning 3 Michael Birch 1 day ago If your Canada keeps putting these types of laws against men you may qualify for asylum in America soon. 1 Andy H 1 day ago No society could survive "emancipation" of its women. 1 Kızlar Ağas 1 day ago its is female nature. Thats why is muslim nation they are being kept short... 1 FreddyFish 1 day ago Feminism went from equal rights to an ideology where men are evil and women require all support/focus. At some point it gets female surpremacy. Men have less rights, no focus on their problems like custody, partner/child support, suicide, bad working conditions, mental health, rape support, domestic violence victim support. Have equal quotas towards men. Being able to have a men only group when a female only group is allowed. Have meetings or presentations, debates about male rights like feminists have about female rights, without being deplatformed or have people shut it down by disrupting. 3 John Smith 20 hours ago A REPUBLIC is a Non Monarchical society. U.S.A is a democracy, it is a democratic Republic. Stop with the " this is a republic not a democracy" nonsense. FFS! 1 Thomas Godwin Thomas Godwin 1 day ago 14 dislikes and not one agument against any idea presented in this video. 1 Dave Todd Dave Todd 1 day ago Feminism is always been and was created as a tool by the leftist to cause Decay and destruction within Society. socialism appeals directly to the herd mentality of women on a deep psychological plane. It promises Safety and Security as opposed to Safety and Security guaranteed by their man. All one has to do is follow the history of the feminist movement to know that they have always backed Every Act of the Socialist or Communist Party Doctrine. Communist social scientists deduced the two factors that always cause the Socialist Collective systems to fail are one religion, and 2nd the traditional family structure. Humans will always fight to maintain the traditional family structure and they will fight to keep their religion. Therefore the Communist / socialist have declared open war on these two venues to weaken Society to allow them to infiltrate. Feminism attacks the entire ideology of what is known as the nuclear family. It totally destabilizes the Cornerstone of human civilization. And in doing so makes the women more dependent on the government for their Safety and Security 1 Jane Voris Jane Voris 1 day ago I would hazard a guess that the Churchillian quote comes from G K Chesterton. 1 MAURIICE KIING MAURIICE KIING 1 day ago This graph details how Feminism is the butthole. 3 kutbleat kutbleat 1 day ago I do not even know what this man is reading? But i will not date a female again before this sjeit is solved. 1 Nicholas Patton Nicholas Patton 23 hours ago Life is not Fair. Women want enforced fairness. ..... Only for women. 1 Taras Wertelecki Taras Wertelecki 1 day ago Feminism is compatible with Zionism, the Islamification of the West, and global depopulation of the world of all people of European heritage. 1 Keep Rocking! Keep Rocking! 20 hours ago Feminism is a tool of the GOVERNMENT to appropriate the wealth of mainly MEN. Men are the only ones, once organized, who challenge governmental authority. 1 Constant Chinner Constant Chinner 1 day ago ALL women benefit from feminism. Never forget that men. The system is rigged against you. GO MGTOW 16 SelectCircle SelectCircle 1 day ago In a rational world this video would win a Nobel Prize. 1 Scott Leckie Scott Leckie 1 day ago Excellent video but don't forget, Jordan Peterson was all in favour of Judge Kavanagh's censure, silencing and condemnation. 1 Frank Frank 23 hours ago While I agree with a good deal of this video and like the symbol I have one major point of objection. I do not believe the fundamental conflict is between liberty and feminism. I understand it as being between individualism and collectivism. Individualism, which recognizes the centrality of the individual in their own lives and sense of identity will naturally tend toward liberty. This liberty allows individuals to work together to build something in common while never subjugating themselves to the group. Collectivism, by contrast, exalts the group and it's rights above the individual and requires the subjugating of its members. These conditions create slavery, the antithesis of liberty. They also lead to the current phenomena of the "Left eatings itself." As you pointed out in the video, the women's movement could have formulated itself along different lines. In fact it would have taken much less work to build a women's movement along individualistic lines. Instead they chose the collectivist line. This indicates to me that feminism is simply the symptom and not the disease. The disease is collectivism. For this reason feminism finds common ground with ANTIFA, BLM, et al. They are all symptoms of collectivism. The mentality that breeds slavery and misery. These are not my novel ideas. I refer anyone interested to the works of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and Thomas Sowell, among many other intellectual giants whose work I am only beginning to understand. 1 D. E. D. E. 1 hour ago If you are equal you are not free. If you are free you are not equal. Equality, just like security, does not exist in nature. It is a fantasy used for control. 1 prschuster prschuster 11 hours ago You need to lose buzz words like "cultural Marxism" which can be used to demonize any progressive movement, like the Civil Rights Movement, Gay Liberation or the Populist & Labor Movements of the early 20th century. Feminism, by the way, gained traction by hi-jacking real movements for social justice, and it is one of the reasons the left has become so regressive lately. 1 Andras Szigeti Andras Szigeti 1 day ago Stop quoting Churchill, he is not your friend! 1 Woofeman Woofeman 1 day ago It doesn't make sense to me that a movement that protests against hate speech uses and is hate speech, go figure 2 dang dang dang dang 1 day ago The left like to call everyeelse nazies but yet they are the ones acting like nazies they don't want to listen unless there the ones speaking and when you do have a conversation with these iduots they just get angry and react they ca t think for themselves they are sheep and they lush their ideas and ideals into everyone they may be happy being a sheep but they have no right to push their beliefs onto anyone 1 Take Off Your Blinkers Take Off Your Blinkers 1 day ago (edited) All these groups are a fringe of society, they are not growing that fast. That being said, the power this minute part wield in society and the power structures, is were the problem really lies. Like their predecessors, they use comfortable an positive wording to manipulate the MSM and corps etc. Words like, inclusive, tolerance, equality, diversity, and any other buzzword they come up with at a whim. You see these words, or companies pushing them, the best thing to do is run in the opposite direction. 1 Deep Center Field Press Deep Center Field Press 1 day ago Forgot Mao. 45 million dead in 5 years. Otherwise spot on 1 harry fare harry fare 1 day ago 4:44 democracy depends on being able to peacefully change the government ... those times were over when Kennedy got shot there is no longer any redress 1 winston cormie winston cormie 1 day ago Good presentation - a lot of very good points - well done. 1 Liberty or Death Liberty or Death 21 hours ago (edited) All of this coincides with the decline of Christianity throughout the western world, which teaches that there are different roles for men and women, and that these roles are divinely designed for the sole purpose of building strong families. Family under God, is the purpose of life itself. Yes, I believe there is a direct correlation between the decline of Christianity and the rise of cultural Marxism. 1 Russ Ian E. Lection-Hacker Russ Ian E. Lection-Hacker 1 day ago I hope that lost of women buy these t-shirts, before the SPLC and the ADL declare the logo a "hate symbol". 1 flat5sharp11 flat5sharp11 22 hours ago Feminism = totalitarian female supremacism 1 Scott Leisman Scott Leisman 1 day ago (edited) i would advise you all who are far squeakier clean than i to run for offices and expect to be called all the names ya`ll know what the names are and any organization of you non communists shall be deemed...`incompatible with our values`. then the time will come when its off with your pin heads. whether true or imaginary its great horror stories. 1 TheLibrarianUU TheLibrarianUU 1 day ago Ook! [I'd buy it, but i don't want to be fired.] 1 *MGTOW* THUNDERCOCK FEMBOT *MGTOW* THUNDERCOCK FEMBOT 1 day ago I think it may be worth considering evolving the symbol. When I look at It, I see 3 things. An incomplete Olympic symbol, a Club from a deck of cards and how these circles intersect form a 3 petal flower with a circle below. Look at the negative space. I would lose the lady liberty symbol as it denotes a limited scope of targeting America. Your argument is solid. Bravo. :) 1 Palace Of Wisdom Palace Of Wisdom 1 day ago Unfortunately, the blue haired, marching activists are far from the only feminists. I'd estimate that less than 1% of women object to any policy which favors them at men's expense. A tragic number of young men have had all male role models kept out of their lives and have been brainwashed into feminism, while many other men are ruled by their innate gynocentrism. Challenging vocal, openly hateful feminist figureheads might feel good, but the tide won't even begin to turn unless the mostly blue pill world is made to face its irrational favoritism toward women AND is given an incentive to change course. Good luck with that when the right to speak the truth doesn't exist in many countries and is under direct threat where it does exist. 2 therugburnz therugburnz 1 day ago I clicked because of the Ballentines ale logo 1 Take Off Your Blinkers Take Off Your Blinkers 1 day ago Steve, are you going to move over to something like Subscribe Star after the Patreon debacle? 1 clamp down clamp down 1 day ago in a nutshell, we need bigger nuts or else i´m going nuts #menut 1 Bobby Robby Bobby Robby 1 day ago (edited) Feminism has always gone too far from when it started about around 1972 that's when the Demonic feminazi movement started infiltrating the college campuses. A lesbian told me that lesbians have always been the backbone of the feminist movement and basically started it all. 1 Spidey Sense Spidey Sense 1 day ago You should change the colour of the Liberty image in the centre to white, it is a better colour for it for both aesthetic and symbolic reasons. 1 John Forbes John Forbes 1 day ago SOROS FUNDS MUCH OF THIS!!! 1 Simon Grey Simon Grey 1 day ago I love this channel and videos that it posts. Usually. But this is propaganda, that is no better than nonsense it tends to fights against. Feminism is incompatible with common sense, it has nothing to do with liberty. 1 Frenchinator too Frenchinator too 1 day ago I tip my fadora 1 Manuel Odabashian Manuel Odabashian 18 hours ago They want dictatorship 1 DemocracyMustDie DemocracyMustDie 1 day ago Democracy has nothing to do with liberty. 1 Tuatara Taupo Tuatara Taupo 1 day ago Masterpiece! Thank you so much! 1 Austin Thornton Austin Thornton 1 day ago I think you have misjudged this. Feminism is not a single body of ideas. Lots of women identifying as feminists just think of it as being about helping women to be free - and there is nothing wrong with that! Feminism is above all the political expression of a profound existential questioning of what it means to be a woman in a multi-dimensional, hi information, hi communication, hi tech, wealthy, energy sodden world where child rearing is a choice. I happen to agree with Jordan Peterson’s point that traditional male/female roles developed around a practical division of labour that worked in a lower tech world where regular sex meant many babies. But it’s just a fact that this division of labour gave men a level of social power that was too often used in an oppressive manner. One of the main arguments for democracy and classical liberalism is that power corrupts and it’s obvious that in many societies male power has been exercised selfishly. Feminism as a political movement is essentially just the refusal of women who are no longer tied down domestically to put up with that. I don’t think that women generally will therefore understand what you are saying here. Many women will just understand your logo as meaning that women are not part of your democracy. A much better approach is to frame women’s issues as issues of freedom of action, free speech, tolerance, participation and democracy. In that way, it’s a win win. There is no future for men playing the victim game. The strongest character is the one who can remain generous in the face of hostility. Men should aspire to be strong characters. 2 Ken Davis Ken Davis 1 day ago (edited) 1) It could be a subset of Presumption of Innocence - but the Right to Due Process is also critical 2) The term "feminism" is not properly defined. The feminism that stands apart is the postmodern, later 2nd and almost all 3rd wave feminism. There is a subset of "feminism" that emerges from and is crucial to liberty - it's just very rare - Janice is a beautiful example. 1 Anthony D Anthony D 1 day ago Yup, and what will we do about it? Ohhh nothing?...? I thought so 1 Seventy-Three Elephants Seventy-Three Elephants 1 day ago I agree with most of this, except for the bit about democracy. Democracy in its modern form (universal, equal adult suffrage) is too easily corrupted and subverted. 1 Brad Walton Brad Walton 1 day ago Excellent presentation 1 Travis Luther Travis Luther 1 day ago Great video. Thank you for all your work. 1 Johnathan Lalas Johnathan Lalas 1 day ago Great work Steve... 1 MAURIICE KIING MAURIICE KIING 1 day ago Tru-hee-yo 1 Bobby Robby Bobby Robby 1 day ago There are now, for the first time men getting sick of these damn feminazis. We will refuse to vote for any woman running for any office. 1 Bruce Evans Bruce Evans 1 day ago Best vid yet, Steve!! 1 Keep Rocking! Keep Rocking! 20 hours ago If you accept Democracy as part of Liberty. Don't complain when the majority of voters are WOMEN, AND they vote for things that benefit them at the expense of boys and men. :/ You can't complain of that which you promote. :/ 1 UsirRaMaroon UsirRaMaroon 1 day ago I agree with most of it, but if you think we live in a are clearly blind, deaf and dumb. What Communism and Socialism did with dead bodies, the West has done with wealth and power. You keep yapping about freedom of speech... Corporations are People my friend, they are people, and cash is freedom of speech. 1 Emidio Cruz Emidio Cruz 1 day ago the same way the left has it's snowflakes , you're acting like snowflakes - of the right - allways trigered by every idiocy they can come up with . grow up , those things you think you're doing to fight feminism are precisely wat's making it survive . The left needs an external enemy in order to survive and self justify it's existence . remove that enemy and they're nothing more than headless chickens screaming at something until someone notices them , AGAIN . 1 John Zupanc John Zupanc 1 day ago Feminists make it perfectly clear, that by far, us men are the superior sex. Otherwise they would not be working so hard to be "equal" to men. 1 eagleeye1975 eagleeye1975 1 day ago i'm sorry sir, but your presentation and reading off a script is SO DAMN BORING, I couldn't listen anymore... Your message is great, but your presentation is horrible. Especially with your mispronunciations of various words and proper names... 2 Daichi Carlton Daichi Carlton 1 day ago Luckily these arsewipes are bringing in Muslims who will throw them off roofs and stone them to death. OK we will lose western civilisation and face a new dark ages but these bastards will be killed. 1 OldBillOverHill OldBillOverHill 1 day ago My state has been taken over by the Feminist cult in the last election. Several bills now before the state legislature articulate their agenda. One of the most egregious is an attempt to make a non-statutory educational K-12 grant program on sex education statutory. In its current form there is a great deal of language carefully defining what is and isn't acceptable scientific research concerning gender and social norms concerning sexuality. There are also safe guards protecting the rights of parents and children regarding age appropriate topics. The new bill strikes much of these requirements from the program and makes mandatory the teaching the sexual practices of adults to children, including that of gay and lesbian, while banning the teaching of religious values. The original intent will be totally altered. I am grateful for the content of this and other videos as I prepare to communicate with my representatives in the legislature. I will make the effort but have no delusions that my words will be heeded or valued. I'm concerned we are indeed witnessing the demise of our great nations and culture. snakesocks snakesocks 1 day ago The pillars of Western liberalism are typically defined as: The Free expression of ideas and opinions. Democracy Property rights The Rule of law. I also wouldn't describe feminism as being completely separate from these, but rather more as a Trojan Horse, utilising the rights that these pillars offer to erode them from within. Political Islamism does the same thing. Feminism is not an equality movement, but simply Trade Unionism for women; how to secure the best deal for the smallest cost. Sophie Dockx 18 hours ago (edited) I wish you hadn't attributed feminism to the old Left and the ideas of Marcuse. There is no causal connection, only similarity on the level of language ... , but that doesn't matter. True or false, it represents this worst ever case of Western 'Affluenza' as if it were foreign import, which it isn't. North American female supremacy feminism is very much 'Home-Grown'. All you need for 3rdWave feminism or any fascism to thrive is a complete absence of citizens. North America hasn't got any citizens anymore, only customers. That is what half a century of consumer society has made of them: people that are always right and that only complain when they don't feel served to their satisfaction. The indoctrination of women into the customer mentality had started long ago. Long before women went to work outside the house. Door-to-door salesmen, TV salesmen and goodies catalogues that kept repeating over and over that they have the RIGHT to acquire what they desire. Men resisted longer, but fell nonetheless for the idea that to be is to have. A citizen identifies by his/her actions and achievements, not by the characteristics with which he/she is born, not by their possessions, not by their tastes and likings, not brand loyalty. No use crying over the assaults on liberty and the erosion of democracy. You need the mentality of a citizen in order to make and maintain a free society. With the mentality of a customer, all you can do is profess allegiance to whichever hand that feeds you, or to whichever mouth prepared to approve of you, unconditionally. Feminism is but a symptom. There are more such symptoms. You don't start a fire with a match. You start it with an enormous pile of dry dead wood. You don't start an epidemic with a pathogen, you start it with an enormous pile of weakened immune systems. mesenteria 1 day ago I know now what 'safe space' means. It is a refuge from which none of its denizens need to explain, defend, or live up to the ideals of, what they purport to be their guiding philosophy. Instead, they shout down and ridicule every argument offered by those who disagree with them, and are viciously hostile in doing it. It's a place where one needn't think deeply, do any 'heavy lifting', and where their sheer numbers offer them proof that they have the upper hand. Don't believe them. Rob Sinclaire 1 day ago Because these Ideas of the 'Left' or of 'Feminism' have no basis in Reality & because they are so Fundamentally wrong, they are not actually operating in Reality and this issue is depi zixuri 7 hours ago (edited) Feminism is imposing control and oppression of liberal arts on all his forms. Actively pursuing free thinkers, even the ones not taking a stand on feminist matters, just because they don’t actively support feminism. Feminism is taking control of the video gaming industry, film and TV. It is not limited to the presumption of innocence, but attacking and already destroyed due process. It promotes mob lynching, active use of violence, hate speech against males, whites, white woman, Jews, and other groups. Feminism presumes a false dichotomy of a zero sum game, where anything favorable to men is taken as harmful to women, and every male problem is negated by an equivalent problem for women. William Reymond William Reymond 10 hours ago 9:50] "...which is a kind of deception which typifies feminist strategy." I'm really not sure this is feminist "strategy." At this point, as a man, I am being forced to consider the possibility that many, or most, women are unable to make the category distinction between fists and words - just can't. What does that say for the future of our democracy if one half of the citizens, more or less, consider the subjectivity of a hurt feelings over someone else's words equivalent with physical assault and battery - in the legal sense? At the very least this seems to be the way we, as a society, are training young women to react to the world. Look, I've been in fights in my life, real physical fights with other men, not many [thank goodness] but I know what it is like to hit and to be hit with a fist, and I know what it is like to have my feelings hurt. I'm really not sure most feminists [male and female] can make the distinction - really. nothing to see here nothing to see here 1 day ago Isn't Democracy incompatible with liberty too? :^) Tom Vernham Tom Vernham 1 day ago How ironic that the same ethnographic/racial people who developed “critical theory” and are behind feminism are the same ones who cry “anti semitism” and “holocaust denier”, the very people who have had Laws enacted on their behalf to prevent full, open and logical investigation of a claimed historical event. The truth does not need laws to protect it, the truth can bear investigation. In my view, all those you mentioned plus yourself fail or hide away from mentioning the most obvious elephant in the room... We need people of intellectual and moral integrity to start stating the blinding obvious. Grace Waszkiewicz Grace Waszkiewicz 7 hours ago You say very intresting things, but it is irritating that you did not practice to read your speech, and make numerous reading errors. 1 Gort55 Gort55 1 day ago Well said. I can't help but think though that the battle has already been lost we just don't realise it. This battle was a battle of stealthy infiltration hidden under the under the guise of equality. All feminist accusations against any men are instantly a sentence of guilty and even after a trial and a finding of innocence makes no difference. For this to be the case we are living in a matriarchy! jeffrey pierce jeffrey pierce 14 hours ago feminism is merely one head of a satanic takeover of our societies. the reversal of values is purely luciferian doctrine at it's heart. Julianna Waldron Julianna Waldron 1 day ago Maybe U.S. feminist should take their fight to Middle Eastern countries. John Young John Young 19 hours ago I would replace democracy with private property ownership. The Marxist basis of feminism encourages women to use their votes to take from men. As private property ownership rights are eroded, democracy "progresses" toward socialism and ultimately communism, as is the trend today in Western Democracies. Steven Homan Steven Homan 1 day ago You forgot that most notable of mass murderers. Chairman Mao. Your clear and concise reportage are so badly needed. Thanks. p p 10 hours ago more social engineering and control over your thoughts. wake up all you sleepy masses. Paul F Paul F 14 hours ago Love it if the each element was labeled so I could avoid the hassle of explaining it to "them" :-) Peter Wright Peter Wright 1 day ago Brilliant and also worrying overview of the state of cultural affairs. Thank you Steve. Betterment Project Betterment Project 21 hours ago You make some very good points, but some of your statements get close to “against the man” attacks and I think we have to avoid things like that if we want success. Also the symbol, which is a great illustration, is a poor symbol of anti feminism I suspect because you have to co-opt it. The controler The controler 1 day ago The video presents an extremely one sided view. zstxkn zstxkn 1 day ago >pro democracy >redpilled Wew lad depi zixuri 7 hours ago As a liberal, I tell you that you stay really short Feminism is enemy, and active enemy, of every liberal value, every principle of liberalism. I see with great worry that critics of feminism are portrayed as conservatives and right wingers, when feminism is attacking the entirety of society, and most than anything, all of the fundaments of liberalism. Men Guarding Their Own Wallets Men Guarding Their Own Wallets 1 day ago It appears that Feminism is cancer, a form of cancer that eventually destroys its host. R Mel R Mel 1 day ago University's nothing but Left indoctrination G*man G*man 18 hours ago whats john bonham got to do with all this? Jeff Harper Jeff Harper 1 day ago # FEMINISM = 24/7/365 P.M.S. Smartee pants Smartee pants 10 hours ago Powerful talk. Deserves to be carved into stone tablets. The delivery is a little wooden and the hat seems like an unnecessary contrivance. Pardon my quibble R Mel R Mel 1 day ago the UN has become EU and NWO TropicalCoder TropicalCoder 1 day ago The graphical representation of your thesis was highly effective. Excellent discussion. i'm sure university professors across the country will be sharing it with their students to initiate discussion... Well, in my dreams, anyhow. Sea BelowMe Sea BelowMe 5 hours ago sorry mate you lost me half way through Event Horizon Event Horizon 1 day ago Man is smarter than he can speak..... 1drkstr 1drkstr 3 hours ago You Sir, are a clown and a breathing strawman that undermines any critique of Feminism before it is even voiced. Homer Simpleton Homer Simpleton 13 hours ago .... minus democracy. Brian Sneary Brian Sneary 1 day ago Blatant omission of China jeffrey pierce jeffrey pierce 14 hours ago the first thing we are not allowed to criticize...not even mention...jews. at the bottom of every rabbit hole you find the chosen people. Cassius Lives Cassius Lives 1 day ago (edited) Democracy is not one of the three items. Voting by majority to legalise robbery doesn't make it moral. In fact, Democracy overlaps with feminism, so long as women are the majority of voters. jeffrey pierce jeffrey pierce 14 hours ago how do you leave chinese communism off the list if not on top of it? David Toda David Toda 14 hours ago Where can I get the t-shirt!!!? Sean Coleman Sean Coleman 19 hours ago Was Trujillo that really that bad? selsuru selsuru 1 day ago I strongly disagree with the democracy part as it is tyranny of the majority but presumption of innocence and freedom of speech are most definitely important for liberty. R Mel R Mel 1 day ago constitutional republic A J A J 1 day ago #RepealThe19th trop68 trop68 1 day ago Feminism and Zionism are practically identical in the way they manipulate society. The big difference is that feminism isn't massacring huge numbers of people all over the mid east in their quest for global dominance. Gam Er Gam Er 1 day ago First of all, we need to get rid of all those 'red pilled' right-wing crazies. They damage our cause. They damage the image of MRA and Anti-Feminists. They are only in it for the hate. Dominick Versetto Dominick Versetto 1 day ago #MeToo is pronounced Pound Me Too! MaRk dAtheist MaRk dAtheist 1 day ago @StudioBrule I really like the idea but suggest working more on the execution - working off marketing design principles here, the current symbol for the representation of "liberty" you use looks great as long as its used large and separatelt, but when shrinked to use in the circle intersection, its too small to complement the other more elegant elements you use. DavidFMayerPhD DavidFMayerPhD 1 day ago It depends on which kind of feminism. I FAVOR equal rights for women. I oppose the crazy ideas of the crackpots. Drifter Drifter 1 day ago Just a heads up. You spelled Barack Obama wrong. olanrewaju Talabi olanrewaju Talabi 1 day ago Feminism is cancer 2 Dj Easy Dj Easy 1 day ago Comon, Nazi Germany and feminists have nothing in common. What are you talking about. This channel is becoming a hysterical movement like the #metoo middle class bored kids. 1 kikolandzik kikolandzik 1 day ago not really. nazi hated white people. in WW2 more white ppl died than ((them)). hitler was not white,he has ((mother)) he just hated ((poor)) and like ((richer)). and how about feminism? man died in war, GERMANY and in USA NEEDED people to work... so someone had to fill the factories. Women got money, babies went to pre-school. The line mother look after kids in home was broken. the government cared about two subject at ones. Ultraviolent Light Ultraviolent Light 1 day ago (edited) He did not say they did... 1 delicheres delicheres 1 day ago So tell me why feminists praise islam ? Did we lost our balls along the way ? If so ( and i believe we did) others will find them and put feminists back to their place : women under men’s authority . Some will receive some smash in their face ? So be it , feminists are nothing without the power of the state , nothing at all ! Die first, worship Chtulhu Die first, worship Chtulhu 1 day ago Just shoot any and all feminazi on sight. Solder Joe Solder Joe 1 day ago Are they trying to turn islam into feminism or turn feminism into islam? Justine Cooper Justine Cooper 1 day ago Misguided feminists will welcome in Islam and that will be the end of feminism. XenoIdo XenoIdo 1 day ago I've been commenting in videos across YouTube since 2015 that feminism, LGBT, and Islam are all directly incompatible with each other . It is impossible to support more than one of these three things at once without there being a moral (immoral) or ethical conflict. siljrath siljrath 1 second ago pray tell, how do feminism and lgbt conflict with each other? ... real feminism though, not the newspeak mislabelled form as in the video. Next Leader Next Leader 12 hours ago (edited) Feminism exists because of weak males, soy boys, cucks, and male feminists. Destroy those worthless males and restore male dominance and superiority over women by any means necessary including force, violent revolution or civil war. Take aggressive action on feminism or stay silent and weak like sheep. John Zupanc John Zupanc 1 day ago Apparently, dolphins display toxic masculinity: Female dolphins were chosen because they are less aggressive than males and their skins (unlike the skins of male dolphins) are usually free from scars and other disfigurations acquired in altercations with other dolphins, making it easier to have them pass for the identical "Flipper". If the feminists get wind of this they will start preaching their mantra to to animal world. J P J P 1 day ago (edited) Why do people insist on flaunting their ignorance about Nazi Germany at every opportunity? No 'horrors' - at least until the Allies decided to bomb the shit out of the place. BarbarraBay BarbarraBay 1 day ago (edited) This video is stupid when it comes to mass-murder. USA has mass-murdered much more than Iraq and others. Democracy is a total failure. Just saying. USA and its people economically live off imperialist exploitation & mass murder. Saddam Hussein and other dictators (including Khmer Rouge) are/were US puppets or supported. 1 mikedabucify mikedabucify 1 day ago "feminism" isn't anti-male, it's anti-white male. They don't even touch the hip hop culture or the facts that minorities rape rates are 4x that of whites. Where is the R Kelly feminist marches? And so on. Jason Jason 1 day ago Some women clam to be raped 20 years ago..when she was pass out drunk at a party. This often turns out to be a distructive bullet to a guy she points the finger at. 1 Fredro Starr Fredro Starr 1 day ago You quoted Churchill, racist confirmed. 3 Up next Autoplay 6 Advanced Sci-fi Civilisations Too Stupid To Really Exist (Part 1) Media Zealot 1.4M views Black Lives Matter, Racism: A Conservative Perspective (Larry Elder Interview) The Rubin Report Recommended for you Janice Fiamengo Q&A: Single-Sex Universities StudioBrule 7.5K views Ireland's Brexit Trouble | Crossing The Line TRT World 545K views What if the Nazis won World War 2? Whatifalthist 192K views Physics Under SJW Attack: The Case of Alessandro Strumia - TFF-91 StudioBrule 102K views HOW MUCH ARE CHEERIOS? Ben Shapiro BREAKS DOWN Howard Schultz"s 2020 Chances *2019* The House of Peasants Recommended for you New Jordan Peterson calmly dismantles feminism infront of two feminists RobinHoodUKIP 7.2M views Will 2019 Be the Year of MRA Lawsuits? 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