freedom first. "when each's responsibility", as (iirc) proudhon said. ... infact anarchists were using the term communism first before marx usurped it for his freedom-blind economic fantasy that left open the doors to furthering cascade of authoritarian usurpers, through all the cliches and contradictions we more popularly know "communism" as [~+ the ideological slide up the left side of the politicalcompass]. ... like orwell warns so well in 1984, to beware the name changers. same as we're served well to see through the ploys to twist and skew priorities, playing people off each other, back and forth, divided, polarised into groupthinks, like team capitalism and team communism, at expense of freedom. team freedom if you want. it's just nice to think freedom first, then can easily let the notions of the big brother of the council or big baron of the corporation coming to save you, and certainly no strongman to save us as both join together to make big bully. freedom first. lest we let big bank rob us all, or build big bot to .. whatever big bot would do. freedom first. empower everybody. with knowledge. economically. float all boats, rather than wait for a trickle. synergise. from anarcho communists, to ancaps, freedom first, unite on that priority, or lose to either the ideological slip of the left, or the monopolies of consolidated wealth power of right wing ecnomic philosophy, neither injust illegitimate ruler/master/archon worth losing to. freedom first. help those on the other areas of the economic philosophy with your learnings freedomwards, defying the tricks to divide us, the tricks that send us tacking tyrannywards as we sacrifice two freedoms quietly taken for one freedom we do care about, whether personal freedoms or economic, and then vice versa... when we stop falling for that, freedom prevails. richer even than the founding fathers envisioned. so, i applaud you [for reading through this rambling block of text], for sharing yours, to help empower others freedomwards with your portion of it. education, in good helpful spirit, for freedom, is the glorious grace goodness knows we can do with extra servings of these days. so thanks. thanks, and thanks again. :) nuance beats fascism/totalitariansim. :) out of the crude 1-bit binaries that divide us. into the multi-dimensional scalar rich growing comprehension. ... ps, have you seen the suppressed emancipation technologies? whooh! it's like the boon of software and free oftware, but for the real world, and much more. many emancipatory technologies, that rentiers suppress so they can maintain their market of extracting rents, denying their cash cows getting depressed and drained and stuck in rent traps from even seeing any extents of ways out (lest perhaps they catch advices of someone such as yourself), ... as i recall from a lecture from free energy conferences around 1999-2004, e.g. patent office whistleblower tom valone pointing out that even by the year 2000, there had already been over 3000 free energy device patents, *secreted*. the secrecy industry and agnotlogy in general is a fascinating rabbit hole to go down. anyways, point being, yeah, capitalism, in some of its uglier corners, does end up keeping us more suppressed than we know, almost in a brave new world sense, doped up on the system as being the best, oblivious to what more. well a lot more, with freedom. ... or we could keep on paying those rentiers to keep paying those politicians to keep paying those bureaucrats who keep the rigged game in place for the rentiers by pretending to be regulators. i prefer to untap more of the suppressed human potential. not squeezing people to reduce them to mere economic units, homogenised to do the bidding of the master, whether capitalist pay master, under the whip of the bully or the totalitarian hypnosis of big brother and the council and the greater good or saving babies or whatever. if we unleash the suppressed emancipatory innovations... so much more of that human potential will be free. especially those for whom such stock options trading is either too difficult or too addicting that it'd take up too much time and energy depriving of opportunity for other people's gifts. universal facilities, not just universal basic income. both of which would increase the investment potential of everybody. more money in pockets to "dollar-vote" with. more care on what's happening. more eyes to make all bugs shallow. ... ;) see, i told you there was stuff here that's like bringing the philosophy of free software back into the real world. practicalities, not just freedom. ... okay, that's enough of a fast blast ranty reply to a title. ... yeah, i have not even watched this yet. n_n s'ok. i know dt's good for it. heh. ... sometimes it's just good to let fly the triggering from a "capitalism vs communism" bit. for freedom's sake. :) in case any have been getting the economic wool pulled over their eyes, and pulled into a conflationary team thinking either the right are the freedom side and the left are the authoritarians, or the left are the freedom side and the right are the authoritarians, lost without a poltical compass or any comprehension how this comes about, let alone how to detect and avert the ploys and pitfals. ... ok, said i was stopping, and yet another bookload's itching to get out. heh. okies, pulling myself away from keyboard before 50,000 words.