Free Speech - Intelligent Conversation - Good People - Good Fun sold! and the agreement at the start, WAY WAY WAY beter than mastodon.scott's doubleplus wrongthink crap that i didnt survive a day under. lol. no seriously, look at this goodness: Use your brain and think before posting! No bullying or ad-hominem attacks (but we do respect the fine-line between sarcasm and ad-hominem and we do acknowledge sarcasm as an art as long as it is good-natured) No doxxing. No threats of physical violence. No pornography. No promotion of illegal activities of any kind! No spamming the site - please make sure your posts are polite, meaningful, and add value. No repulsive photos and/or gory photos. Encourage thoughtfulness, creativity, and humor, and shun dullards and barbarians . Have Fun ! :) brilliant. way better than OBEY OUR GROUPTHINK. :)